PHYS 1110 Exam 3


Exam 3 comprised 12 questions, most of which had multiple parts.  Each question was applied to one or more of the course standards.  The answers to the questions, and the standard(s) to which each question was applied, are as follows.

 Question    Standard   Answer 
1A 31, 32 0 m/s
1B 31, 32 1.5 m/s
2 32 a, b, c, e
3 42 894 m
4 32 b, e
5A 34 0.5 kgm2
5B 33 5.236 rad/s
5C 37 6.85 J
5D 33 0.436 rad/s2
5E 36 0.218 N·m
5F 35 628 J
6A 38 0.1728 kgm2/s
6B 39 c
6C 39 7.2 rad/s
7A 41 0.119 m
7B 41 4.387 N/m
7C 41 b
7D 41 0.03125 J
7E 41 a
7F 41 0.03125 J
7G 41 c
8 40 a
9A 43 68.68 m/s
9B 43 0.267 kg
9C 43 b
10 44 b
11A 45 I1(r1/r2)2
11B 45 125.6 dB
12A 46 b
12B 46 b
12C 46 18 m/s

More detailed solutions to the problems are in a separate document.


The criteria for satisfying the standards are explained in the table below.  Each standard is determined from one or more of the exam questions.  The second column of the table gives the criteria for determining if the standard is satisfied.

 Standard   Question   Criteria 
31 1A, 1B 1.5 of 2
32 2, 4 1.6 of 2
33 5B, 5D 1.6 of 2
34 5A 0.8 of 1
35 5F 0.8 of 1
36 5E 0.7 of 1
37 5C 0.7 of 1
38 6A 0.7 of 1
39 6B, 6C 1.4 of 2
40 8 0.7 of 1
41 7A, 7B, 7C, 7D, 7E, 7F, 7G 5 of 7
42 3 0.7 of 1
43 9A, 9B, 9C 2 of 3
44 10 0.7 of 1
45 11A, 11B 1.5 of 2
46 12A, 12B, 12C 1.5 of 2

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Revised: 3 December 2024. Maintained by Richard Barrans.