Standards 1–18

Round 1 Retests

The first round of retests comprised the first retests on Standards 1–18, from Exam 1.  Each standard had its own retest quiz on Canvas.


The criteria for satisfying the standards are explained in the table below.  The second column gives the criteria for determining if the standard is satisfied.

 Standard   Criteria to satisfy 
1 At least 2.3 of 3
2 At least 2 of 3
3 4×Q1 + Q2 = at least 4 of 5
4 3 of 3
5 2 of 2
6 2 of 2
7 3 of 4
8 Q1 + 4×Q2 + 3×Q3 = at least 10 of 13
9 3 of 3
10 3 of 4
11 1 of 1
12 2 of 2
13 5 of 6
14 2 of 2
15 Must correctly answer question 2 and 4 (the magnitudes) and correctly answer one of the others. So, at least three out of four, and must get questions 2 and 4.
16 3 of 3
17 2 points of 4
18 1 of 1

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Revised: 31 October 2024. Maintained by Richard Barrans.