Welcome to Physics 1120!
These laboratory exercises are designed for you to experience physics concepts directly. Thinking about how they apply to the phenomena you observe will give you a deeper understanding than any lecture, textbook, or video.
You naturally want the most from this manual and from this lab, both in terms of understanding physics and in terms of your grade. Here is how to get it.
You will learn the most in lab if you are already familiar with the concepts to be explored and you know what to do. Read each week’s experiment before coming to lab. If you are not confident in your understanding of the concepts that the lab will address, take some time to brush up on them and bring your questions and curiosity with you. Work the pre-lab exercises if any are provided. (Most labs have a pre-lab.)
Sign the appropriate line on the sign-in sheet when you arrive at your lab session. Present your completed prelab to your instructor. Correct any deficiencies the instructor identifies for approval.
If you attend a session different than the one you registered for, write in the numbers of your assigned lab and lecture sections and write and sign your name on a blank line at the end of the sheet. You must sign in to receive credit for a lab.
Although you may submit a lab on your own, working with a group is recommended. Many activities require more than one pair of hands to carry out, so it is only natural to collaborate when making sense of your observations as well. It usually is true that “two heads are better than one.” Discussing an explanation often makes it stronger, and a second pair of eyes often catches errors and omissions.
Groups of up to four students may submit their labs collectively. Choosing a group is left up to the students, though the instructor may intervene if a group is not working effectively. Groups do not need to have the same members from week to week.
Do all the lab activities and record all data during the lab session. Your data must be collected by the end of the lab session for you to receive credit. Submit your complete data to your instructor for check-out before you leave the lab.
When your calculations, graphs, and answers are complete, submit them to your instructor for immediate grading. Labs are scored on an all-or-nothing basis. If the lab is satisfactory in all respects, it receives full credit. If any part is unsatisfactory, it receives zero credit. Correct deficiencies immediately! If you need more time than the lab period allows to process your data and answer questions, notify your instructor before leaving. For the lab to receive credit, your instructor must approve it before the beginning of the next lab.
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Copyright © 25 August 2023.
Revised: 23 January 2025. Maintained by Richard Barrans.
URL: http://www.barransclass.com/phys1120/lab/P1120_Lab_Intro.html